

Physiotherapy Consultant

Physiotherapy Consultant

Eric 對運動及肌肉與骨骼的損傷範疇上感到濃厚的興趣,再加上自己的復康經歷,以至他持續地深造手法治療、臨床普拉提訓練、運動包紮及貼布治療法、針灸療法,令他的治療模式更加全面及多功能性, 以協助客人可以早日回復正常生活及運動發展。亦同時是一位業餘的健身教練,有感部份人因錯誤的健身姿態及肌肉的不平衡而受傷。因此他的物理治療專業可以幫助客人把運動訓練時的受傷風險降至最低。

Professional Certificate
Master of Physiotherapy (Poly U)
Bachelor of Science (Kinesiology)
MC Certified Manual Therapy (Aus)
DMACP Certified DMA Clinical Pilater Instructor
HKPB Certified Registered Physiotherapist
HKIP Diploma in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
HKRFU Certified Immediate Sports Care
HKPAA Certified Acupuncture and Moxibustion practitioner
KTAI Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner
BCRPA Certified Weight Training and Conditioning Instuctor
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