

Master Trainer

Master Trainer

當中教學內容包括:人體解剖學、運動的原則、運動創傷管理、健身瑜珈、伸展運動教學等等... 同時亦能為學員提供體能提昇方向。

Professional Certificate
M48 Wellness Lab 主教練
IPTFA 國際康體專才培訓學院課程主任
HKBPSF 香港健美及運動體適能總會副主席
香港公開大學(OUHK) 營養學﹑體適能及體重控制證書
國際奧林匹克委員會(GZMC) 運動醫學證書
綜合健體訓練協會(GFTA) 功能訓練教練證書、普拉提蓆上(一級) 導師
香港工會聯合會(FTU) 「社區康體導師銀獎」(2010, 2011, 2012, 2013-14)
世界健美及運動體適能協會(WBPF) 銀服務獎章(2015)
世界健身聯合(WFF) 金服務獎章(2016)
國際運動體育聯合會(PCA) 專業服務獎章(2017)
Members Reviews
Professional Services
Location Score
Pansy Pang
It’s no doubt that Andy Sir is a professional world class trainer. He is a detail-minded person and always take care his trainee on both physical and psychological needs. On the other hand, Andy Sir is a tough trainer, esp to those trainee who wants to get the substantial prize from the fitness contest. His positive attitude and continuous encouragement towards his trainees become his elite skill. We are proud of Andy Sir and his great contribution to the fitness industry is brilliant!
Pansy Pang
Andy is a amazing trainer, he taught me a lot about healthy life style and not only just workout. He is a kind person and encourage me to make work out easy, I lost 5kg since the training with him at 5 month.
Candy Yeung
好慶幸能認識andy sir, 他好 nice,
好有耐性的解釋, 每個動作需要注意嘅地方, 當我有些地方做得不足, andy sir 很有耐性的作出糾正, 更會親身示範, 讓我更易理解同掌握。 也會按照我嘅需要, 而進行針對性嘅訓練, 過程雖然辛苦, 但有andy sir從旁鼓勵, 同充滿火嘅眼神, 令我不敢鬆懈, 把我沉睡多年的靈魂, 也被換醒起來。

從他身上, 學到很多, 除了學到關於運動嘅知識, 還學到好多做人嘅道理,最值得欣賞嘅係, andy sir永遠會把自己所知所識嘅嘢, 毫無保留地教我, 雖然我未必100% 吸收, 但他呢種精神, 令我非常敬佩。

Andy sir ,你放心我會繼續努力, 不負你所望。
Andy sir用心教學 不厭其煩解答學生每個問題,更關心學生任何問題,對每個學生都好好,教導內容亦夠針對。
Andy Sir好細心,好專業為我分析及提供適合我的一套健身計劃,可以漸進地看得見成果! 再加上為人正面,有推動我努力向前的感染力!
每次上完Andy Sir的PT堂,酸到不得了,操完腳腳會軟、操完膊舉手都酸、操完腹笑都會痛。。。令我體驗想要好身型真係沒有捷徑,要用心用力操,見到佢我即刻好有power, 感受到操練應該要有的<<態度>>,散發出健身正能量。
Anna Lam
經過PIT STOP 既介紹遇上ANDY SIR, 佢係一個好NICE 既教練,上TRAINING 時好多好細微既位置都講解非常清晰,有時候佢講完我都唔係好明白,佢都好耐心咁講解,做示範直至我明白為止。佢真係比左好多耐性我,我會努力架啦。
Gary Kwok
I wanted to lose few pounds! I ran 2 miles 5 days a week, switched to “healthy food” but my weight got stuck at a certain number and wouldn’t go down! I found Andy on Pit Stop and decided to give it a try! In 4 weeks I lost 5 pounds!!! Andy taught me how to reduce weight through nutrition and workout! And they weren’t big crazy steps!! In fact small steps at a time! Andy taught me a lot! Thank you sooooo much Andy! You are amazing!!!
ANDY Sir 係一個好細心既教練, 每一次TRAINING 都學到好多野, 除左運動上, 佢對營養學都好了解, 解答左我好多既迷思。感謝佢既用心指導, 我會好好努力去達到自己訂下既目標。
Sally CHAN
The Best trainer I met at HK! Great training atmosphere and attentive coach. Training is tough but enjoyable, great for whom looking for Personal Trainer! Highly recommended.