Tod 係一個好有經驗既教練。我自己本身都有運動開同埋之前都有跟教練, 但係有D 動作始終都係唔到位, 經過Tod既細心指導, 點樣控制肌肉, 出黎效果真係唔同左. 就算有時輕輕咁練, 成個肌肉線條都出左黎。
Gloria Au
Awesome trainer in Hong Kong. This gym is modern and welcoming. Trainers are positive and not hard selling. They care what you got after training. Especially Tod. He advised me a lot of nutrition info. and let me know how to weight training well. Good trainer.
Dennis Tam
Aside from work and my real home, gym is my third home. I spent a lot of time at the gym in order to my health and get my body perfect.
Pit stop is excellent. They recommanded Tod to me as my Personal Trainer. He is excellent as well. He is not selfish to share exercise knowledge and teach me in patiently.
Antan Cheung
Tod is nice and professional trainer. I got what I want after his training. He motivated me all the time and improved over all of me. I will recommend Tod as your Personal Trainer.