從事伸展治療及體適能訓練多年的資深私人健身教練,亦曾在本港大型健身中心及高級會所任教拉筋,以手法治療,針對職業勞損,運動創傷,姿勢嬌正,復康治療,使患者能徹底治癒痛症,重拾健康。YY Au 亦是 Mini Coach首席伸展治療師,除教學經驗豐富外,持有多個專業伸展治療,運動體適能及空中瑜伽專業牌照。
Professional Certificate
AASFP Certified Aerial Yoga Teacher
IPTFA Certified Health and Fitness Trainer
IPTFA Certified Professional Personal Physical Trainer
IPTFA Certified Stretch Therapist Certificate
IPTFA Certified Special Sport Injuries and Rehabilitation Trainer
IPTFA Certified Sports Massage Technigue
IPTFA Certified Pre Natal and Post Natal Sports Exercise Instructor
IPTFA Arthritis and Periarthritis Rehab Exercise Workshop
IPTFA Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation Workshop
IPTFA Occupational Health and Safety (personal Trainer) Workshop
If motivation, flexibility, and personal approach is what you looking for in PT, then YY is the best for you. She is professional and always cheer me up no matter in the training or off training, I can highly recommend.
I thought I'm the only male that interested in aerial yoga :)
That's embarrass to me to train with a lot woman.....so here is a good place for me to train individually.
YY is a nice girl and care of my feeling, she encourage me a lot for those post that I was unable to do so.