

Program Director

Program Director


Professional Certificate
2013 HKCBAA bodybuilding competition below 70 kg ~2nd
Aasfp Sports massages Certification
Aasfp Advanced Personal Trainer Certification
Aasfp Sports injury management Certification
Aasfp Advanced Fit-Ball Instructor Certification
Aasfp Kickboxing for Personal Trainer Certification
Aasfp Stretch Trainer Certification
Iptfa Personal Trainer Certification
Members Reviews
Professional Services
Location Score
Mandy CHA
之前多次入院及因工作過勞, 身體的健康令自己及家人都非常擔心, 再加上體重不斷創新高, 對於完全沒有運動細胞既我今年初終於向運動低頭。
經過半年由零開始, 教練KING教識我正確及有效地做運動, 好鐘意KING 既安排,課程唔悶, 令我更有動力。運動後健康明顯有改善左, 同事都讚我精神左又瘦左。
It happened to be random search but I am lucky to met King. I am such a lazy girl and didn’t work out for long but King is super attentive and encouraging. Even the work out is hard, the time with him is fun and I do enjoy sweating. I will recommend him to my fd who is interested in exercise.
以前行山跑步比較多, 加上大腿唔識用力, 令到關節有輕微勞損, 好彩識到KING SIR。佢既訓練改善我用力既方式, 再加強我勁懶既核心肌肉, 最重要係令我知道我企既姿勢唔好同埋用錯左方法去減肥。呢兩個月雖然體重無減但體脂一直下降, 肌肉多左, 最開心係連腳都瘦左吋, 多謝KING SIR。
Siu May
跟左KING 做運動後明顯感覺到肌肉力量強左同線條明顯左以外仲精神左。雖然我本身好忙做運動既頻率好低但都感覺到身體有所改善, 黎緊我會盡量抽少少時間去做架啦。